All right, here are the ground rules for this thing called a blog that my people have been after me to get up for at least two weeks now. I am a dog and my name is Lily. Against my better judgment, I ended up here in Panama with my people (a he and a she) and I plan to keep a regular script of the happenings here for my own records, much less your enjoyment. Topics will be chosen at my own free whim and while you are welcome to send me a text with requested topics, don’t count on it. I don’t have opposable thumbs remember, so certain stories may be easier for me to bang out than others.
I’m a dog for god sake I can’t type. It’s hell trying to get my pads on these little keys. Thank God I’m not getting paid by the word. It’s bad enough I can’t understand a word anyone says down here besides my people. I don’t think they understand much either. What a team! He can’t speak a word anyone can understand besides me. Maybe I could learn Spanish and he could learn to type? Unfortunately that would take too long he is a veeery slow learner as most of you know.
Oh, Panama! How the hell did I end up here? Don’t ever fall for the “get in your kennel for the night trick. I will never let my ass be put in one of those again. I swore my people said Pueblo at the airport, next thing I know it’s 14 hours in a kennel and my God, did the weather change. It was 26 degrees in Denver when we left, it was 90 degrees in Panama (Yes, I said Panama) when we arrived. Did I say it was hot? Did I say it was humid? Damn right it is! It’s great on my skin, not that you can tell, but I seem to be ready for a nap all the time.
Speaking of time, it seems to be very different down here. Let’s start with zones. We started out on Eastern Time, then, the United States sprang forward to put us on Central Time last weekend. Then, there is the perception of time. Somehow when someone says 10 minutes here, it means 3-4 hours. When they say 3-4 hours it means 2-3 days. When they say manana (and, no, I can’t find the right n on the keyboard), it means sometime next week. It will take some getting used to this Panama Time. I can only hold it for so long.
I have been spending a lot of time with my new friend Joel. Thank God he is around because otherwise I would have to ride in the car with my people driving. Not a pretty site! When Joel is behind the wheel the pandemonium that is Panama traffic makes a bit more sense. When my person is behind the wheel, I cover my eyes with my paws and hope he named me in the will! This traffic piece is going to take some serious getting used to also.
When I am not praying for my life in the car, I am looking out over the Pacific and what a view it is. From the apartment, I can see the ocean and all of the city. I can also see the ground is a lot farther away from the floor then it was in our house in Stapleton. I don’t know about this. In the Mile High City, my floor is sitting on the ground and in the city on the Bahia, my floor is 200’ off the ground. This is more than a mere dog can understand.
Until the next time,
Very truly yours and I hate fleas.